Interjurisdictional TB Notification (IJN)

Interjurisdictional TB Notification (IJN)

NTCA encourages use of the IJN system to promote uninterrupted TB treatment and case management of persons confirmed with or thought to have TB disease; evaluation, testing and treatment of persons identified as close contacts to a person with infectious TB; and evaluation of persons referred by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine.

These forms were updated, and finalized, in August 2022.

Referring jurisdictions should call to the receiving jurisdiction within 1 business day for Active/Possible TB notifications.

A companion document to the new forms has been prepared and is accessible here.

Follow this link to access the list of IJN TB referral points of contact at state, large city and U.S. territories.

If you have questions about the interjurisdictional process in your jurisdiction, please contact the designated point of contact listed for your jurisdiction.

Any corrections to the contact listings should be emailed to NTCA staff at

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