NSTC Annual Meeting
The NSTC conducts a yearly meeting at the National TB Conference to allow TB clinicians the opportunity to share their insights, expertise, and experience at this conference.
2021 NSTC Annual Meeting
The 2021 NSTC Annual Meeting was held online on July 28, 2021. It features a very timely update on CDC’s Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC) by Dr. Andrew Vernon, Chief of the Clinical Research Branch of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. Dr. Vernon gave the talk, “Update from the TBTC: Current Efforts, Programmatic Relevance, and Liaison with NTCA.” In it, he described current/ongoing TBTC studies, including recent publication in the NEJM of the results of a groundbreaking TBTC study, “Four-Month Rifapentine Regimens with or without Moxifloxacin for Tuberculosis.” He also described the relevance of the new TBTC for U.S. public health TB program and engaged our membership in a forum regarding TB research needs in the United States.
To open the second half of the meeting, former NSTC President Dr. Masa Narita introduced the NSTC officers: NSTC President Dr. Shu Wang, NSTC President-Elect Dr. Connie Haley, NSTC Immediate Past President Dr. Jon Warkentin, and NSTC Secretary Dr. Michelle Haas. With a moving tribute to their dedication, skill, and patient focus, former NSTC President Dr. Lisa Armitige presented the William Stead TB Clinician Award to Dr. Marcos Burgos and Dr. Charlie Crane.
NSTC officers gave clinical updates on an emerging issue and a new regimen. Dr. Haas presented the group her experiences when treating patients in the spinal TB outbreak. Dr. Haley reviewed new insights in treating patients for TB using the BPaL regimen.
To close the meeting, NSTC President Dr. Wang led an open member forum on activities of the section over the past year and opportunities for member involvement.