SETC Newsletter | October 2021
Don’t miss the SETC Quarterly All Member Call on Wednesday, October 20, 3:00 – 5:00pm Eastern Time!
Quarterly all member calls are an opportunity for topic discussion, shared learning, and capacity building. This upcoming meeting will focus on RVCT 2020 and MMG v3 implementation, guided question for discussion, and an open forum. Registration is free.
- Click here to register for the SETC Meeting.
- Submit your ideas/topics/questions here or to LaTweika Salmon.
The newsletter has more on SNow [ServiceNow] notifications for SAMS, a form to tell us about your current projects, poll on TB GIMS, and the transition from conventional genotyping to WGS. You can also find out about upcoming calls, reporting deadlines and connect to SETC committees and workgroups. You can read the full newsletter here.
Looking forward to chatting with you all soon.
Katelynne Gardner Toren, President
Shona Smith, Immediate Past-President
Jenni Wheeler, President-Elect
Evan Timme, Secretary
LaTweika Salmon, High Incidence Representative
Jesse Ellis, Medium Incidence Representative
Recent Archived Newsletters:
July 2021
May 2021
November 2020
March 2020
February 2020
November 2019