TB Nurse Case Manager Core Competencies
NTNC has released revised TB Nurse Case Management Core Competencies.
You can download the TB Nurse Case Management Core Competencies here.
To preserve and grow expertise in the specialty area of TB nursing, this publication seeks to provide a framework with which new nurses can expand their knowledge about and master the skills required in the practice of TB nurse case management.
The core competencies in this document are organized into domains using the framework developed by the Community/Public Health Nursing Competencies established by the Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations (CPHNO) and the Public Health Foundation Council on Linkages between Academia and Public Health Practice. Building on that framework, this document applies tiered core competencies to TB nurse case management as a specialty.
This document is intended for nurse case managers (NCMs) who provide direct care to persons with TB infection and disease. However, supervisors and managers who oversee TB services will also benefit from the content contained in this document.