
Fast-tracking Publications on the COVID-19 Impact on TB Programs

April 3, 2020

NTCA has learned that Dr. GB Migliori, co-editor of the International Journal of TB and Lung Disease (IJTLD), has pushed to create a special section on COVID-19 with fast tracking of submissions. His goal is to prevent the dismantling of TB services worldwide by raising awareness about COVID-19’s impact on TB services.

Dr. Migliori writes, “We would appreciate correspondences (600 words, 10 ref, 1 table or figure highly encouraged) to boost debate in the journal on COVID-19 and COVID-19 and TB. There is no deadline, the sooner the better.”

Among the many topics that could be reported include the following:

  • Sheltering in place and “social distancing impact in staffing, number of clinic days, PPE in the workplace, directly observed therapy (DOT), and clinic flow
  • Diversion of TB leadership to COVID-19 activities
  • Are contact investigation resources and staff diverted to address COVID now or are the planned in the future?
  • Drug or supply shortages due to manufacturing lockdowns elsewhere.
  • Is video-DOT a lifesaver?
  • Lessons learned from TB that can be applied to COVID-19

Dr. Migliori has graciously offered to have submissions sent first to him for review in advance of submission to the journal. He can be reached at gbmigliori@gmail.com

We know there is GREAT thinking and great contributions in the United States being accomplished by our TB program staff. In the midst of the work, we hope you will find time to record your observations and concerns and submit an article or a letter to the editor (Dr. Migliori) of the IJTLD.

Prof. GB Migliori, MD, FRCP (London), FERS, FAPSR
Director WHO Collaborating Centre for TB and Lung Disease, Maugeri Care and Research Institute, Tradate, Italy
Honorary Professor, Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Global Tuberculosis Network (GTN) Chair
Chief Editor, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis Section Editor, ERJ