2018 National TB Conference Cyber Poster Session
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23. Diabetes Related Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in Bangladesh: Comparison of Host Factors
Authors: Alkabab Y, Al-Shaer MH, Ahmed S, Houpt ER, Peloquin CA, Heysell SK, Banu S
Contact: Yosra Alkabab, yma9f@virginia.edu
24. Barriers to Bedaquiline Use in Tuberculosis Programs in the United States
Authors: Salerno M, Deluca A, Macaraig M, Kanouse J, McKenna L, Lessem E, Wegener D
Contact: Marco Salerno, msalerno1@health.nyc.gov
25. It’s Resistant, So What? Mycobacterium tuberculosis-complex rpoB Mutations; Characterization of Rifampin- resistant Genotypic and Phenotypic Clinical Isolate Concordance in Arizona
Authors: Timme EM
Contact: Evan Timme, evan.timme@azdhs.gov
26. Management of Pre-Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis in a Pregnant Patient: Balancing Public Health Obligations with Patient Autonomy
Authors: Borradaile F, Chuck C, Simmons C, Khemraj K, Macaraig M, Islam, Parvez F, Burzynski J
Contact: Faith Borradaile, fborradaile@health.nyc.gov
27. Are There Opportunities to Increase Use of Pyrosequencing to Speed Identification of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in California?
Authors: Lowenthal P, Lin G, Desmond E, Flood J, Barry PM
Contact: Phil Lowenthal, phil.lowenthal@cdph.ca.gov
28. Developing Guidance for Molecular Detection of Drug Resistance (MDDR) in Washington State
Authors: Tyer LK, Newman LP, Carlson S, Matheson J, Lindquist SW, Iyall H.
Contact: Lana Kay Tyer, lana.tyer@doh.wa.gov
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