NTCA Community of Practice Archive
On this page are archived meeting materials and links to recordings of meetings.
Series 1: 2020 NOFO
Materials from DTBE
- CDC RFA (PDF file, 1.1 MB)
- 2020 Notice of Funding Opportunity (DTBE; web page)
- 2020 Notice of Funding Opportunity FAQs (DTBE; web page)
- DTBE TB Program Workplan (DTBE; Excel file, 30 KB, available online)
- CDC 2020 NOFO Funding Estimator (web page)
- The TB Program information call was conducted on July 10, 2019, 2pm – 3pm ET and the following materials provided:
- Webinar PowerPoint presentation (PPT file; 2 MB)
- Text-only version (PDF file; 141 KB)
- NOFO webinar recording
- The Public Health Laboratory information call was conducted on July 17, 2019, 3pm – 4pm ET and the following materials provided:
- Webinar PowerPoint presentation (PPT file; 2 MB)
- Text-only version (PDF file; 565 KB)
- Webinar recording
July 11, 2019 (Inaugural Meeting)
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- You Have to Start Somewhere! (Nancy Baruch, MD; PDF file; 16 KB)
- 2020 NOFO Funding Estimator Calculator (Jason Cummins, TN; Excel file; 16 KB)
July 18, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- Kansas TB Program Workplan (Phil Griffin, KS; PDF file, 203 KB)
- FY 2020 NOFO Coag Checklist (Jason Cummins, TN; Word file, 42 KB)
- FY 2020 TB Grant Application Concept Mapping (Peter Davidson, MI; Word file, 16 KB)
- Cooperative Agreement Toolkit for laboratory partners (APHL in collaboration with CDC; links to the 2018 information; APHL updating it now for 2019)
- 2020 NOFO Point Designation (Jason Cummins, TN; PDF file, 66 KB)
July 25, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- 2020 NOFO Crosswalk–Strategies, Logic Model, Indicators (Melissa Ehman, CA; NTIP indicators only; Excel file; 15 KB; set up to print on letter-sized paper, but would be easier to read on legal)
- CoAg Workplan Format (Cathy Miller, CA; Word file, 19 KB)
- Data Management Plan (Lindsey Pierce, NH; PDF file, 164 KB)
- Data Management Plan (Monica Pecha, WA; Word file, 54 KB)
- Project Narrative Template (Jason Cummins, TN; Word file, 47 KB)
- NOFO Narrative (Pete Dupree, CO; Word file, 28 KB)
August 1, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- Project Abstract Summary (Peter Davidson, MI; Word file, 13 KB)
- Project Abstract Summary (Jason Cummins, TN; Word file, 16 KB)
August 8, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- Budget and Justification Template (Jason Cummins, TN; Excel file, 458 KB)
- Template for Budget Narrative (Peter Davidson, MI; Word file, 55 KB)
August 15, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- Program Evaluation (Heidi Behm, OR; PDF file, 84 KB)
August 22, 2019
Recording: Video Recording of Meeting
- Program Work Plan (Peter Davidson, MI; Word file, 25 KB)