2018 National TB Conference Cyber Poster Session
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Modalities to Determine Medication Adherence: DOT, VDOT, WDOT
29. Wirelessly Observed Therapy (WOT): Potentially the New Gold Standard in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) Medication Adherence Support
Authors: Browne SH, Peloquin CA, Tucker AJ, Moser K, Low J, Umlauf A, Vaida F, Benson CA
Contact: Sara H. Browne , shbrowne@ucsd.edu
30. Video Directly Observed Therapy (VDOT) A Useful Approach to Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment in a Natural Disaster
Authors: Wiltz-Beckham D, Medrano A, Sekhon V
Contact: Dana Wiltz-Beckham, Dana.Beckham@phs.hctx.net
31. Monitoring Tuberculosis Treatment by Asynchronous Video Directly Observed Therapy in Five California Health Districts
Authors: Garfein RS, Liu L, Cuevas-Mota J, Collins K, Munoz F, Catanzaro DG, Moser K, Higashi J, Al-Samarrai T, Kriner P, Vaishampayan J, Cepeda J, Bulterys MA, Martin NK
Contact: Richard S. Garfein, rgarfein@ucsd.edu
32. What Does Directly Observed Therapy Actually Cost?
Authors: Carson M, Low J, Tucker A, Martin N, Browne SH
Contact: Michael Carson, mcarson@ochca.com
33. Costs Saved Using Video Directly Observed Therapy on Tuberculosis Patients
Authors: Wiltz-Beckham D, Rubinstein R, Medrano A, Sekhon V
Contact: Dana Wiltz-Beckham, Dana.Beckham@phs.hctx.net
34. Successful Implementation of Video-recorded Directly Observed Therapy for Monitoring Active Tuberculosis Treatment in the Denver Metro TB Clinic
Authors: Aiona K, Haas MK, Belknap R
Contact: Kaylynn Aiona, Kaylynn.aiona@gmail.com
35. Fresno County goes the distance with emocha
Authors:Vue G, Prado J
Contact: Ge Vue, Gevue@co.fresno.ca.us
36. An Evaluation of the Use of Live and Asynchronous Video Technology for Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) for the Treatment of Tuberculosis (TB) in Rhode Island
Authors: Browning C, Bertrand T, Marak TP, Rybek N
Contact: Theodore Marak, Theodore.Marak@health.ri.gov
37. Patient-centered Monitoring for TB Treatment Adherence in a Large Mexican Health Jurisdiction
Authors: Perez H, Cervantes J, Barrera G, Campos A, Reyes LE, Assael R
Contact: Joaquin Cervantes, jcervantes@grupo-cmi.com
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