2018 National TB Conference Cyber Poster Session
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Evaluation of Immigrants and Refugees
17. Latent Tuberculosis Infection among B Classification Arrivers to California; Opportunities for Improving Treatment Completion and Reporting
Authors: Lowenthal P, Hampole V, Barry PM
Contact: Phil Lowenthal, phil.lowenthal@cdph.ca.gov
18. Electronic Disease Notification System: Access to Overseas Medical Information for Newly Arriving Refugees and Immigrants
Authors: Gosch M, Lee D
Contact: Megan Gosch, LCX3@cdc.gov
19. Assessment of a Tuberculosis Active Case-Finding System for Unaccompanied Children Aged 15–17 Years in Federal Custody — United States, October 2016–September 2017
Authors: Somerville NJ, Misegades L, Buckley K, Jereb J, Bartholomew M
Contact: Nicholas J. Somerville, nicholas.somerville@acf.hhs.gov
20. Post-Arrival Refugee Tuberculosis Evaluations in Connecticut, 2015–2016: An Assessment
Authors: Francisco D, Sosa L, Stratton A
Contact: Denise Marie Arayata Francisco, francisco@uchc.edu
21. Improving Immigrant and Refugee Follow-Up: The Philadelphia EDN Workflow Experience
Authors: Robison S, Dogbey-Smith MC
Contact: M. Christina Dogbey-Smith, christina.dogbey@phila.gov
22. CDC Migration Health Data Management and Notification of Newly Arrived Persons with Overseas Tuberculosis Classification: eMedical to EDN
Authors: Lee D, Gosch M, Haber Y, Grills A, Marano N
Contact: Deborah Lee, DLee1@cdc.gov
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