TB Law

TB Law


Suggested Provisions for State Laws

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NTCA collaborated to develop a document entitled “Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws” (Menu). The Menu is a practical legal resource for TB controllers and other public health officials and their legal counsel to consider in the enactment, promulgation, amendment, or implementation of TB prevention and control laws.

The Menu contains a set of alternative provisions within each section. The provisions in the Menu are intended to serve as a starting point–the suggested provisions must be considered within the policy and legal frameworks of the jurisdiction contemplating their adoption.

For questions, comments, or technical consultation on the Menu, please contact Melisa Thombley at mthombley@cdc.gov or (404) 639-6203.


TB Scenario-Based Assessment

The CDC’s Public Health Law Program, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, and Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, in consultation with the NTCA, developed this TB scenario-based assessment.

The assessment offers a means to assess understanding and, possibly, sufficiency of state, local, and/or tribal laws to control TB. It includes six sets of facts to prompt consideration of a variety of legal issues related to TB control. Each fact set is followed by questions to stimulate discussions of the participants’ understanding of relevant legal authorities and to identify potential gaps or limitations in the law.

There are two important things to note. In its rich text format, the assessment can be readily modified using Word (or other word-processing software) to address other issues or fact patterns of interest to your jurisdiction. Also, before conducting this assessment, it is recommended that you review your jurisdiction’s TB laws.

As you engage in the planning process, please feel free to contact CDC project staff at any time for technical or administrative assistance: Melisa Thombley, Public Health Analyst, at mthombley@cdc.gov or (404) 639-6203.

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