
2022-2023 Board and Section Elections
Call for Nominations

NTCA Board and Section Leadership
Deadline: Close of Business, Monday, February 15, 2022

NTCA Board Leadership Elections

Open Positions
The following Board positions are open for the 2022-2023 term of service on the NTCA Board. The president-elect position has a 3-year term: one year as president-elect, one year as president, and one year as immediate past president concluding in June 2025. All other positions have 2‐year terms concluding in June 2024.

  • President-elect
  • Treasurer
  • High burden* representative
  • Medium burden* representative
  • Low burden* representative

Eligibility to Serve
Persons meeting the criteria below are eligible to serve on the NTCA Board:

  • Serve in a position as a TB Controller or designated TB Controller for a jurisdiction that directly receives cooperative agreement funds from the CDC
  • Hold an NTCA membership current for 2022

Eligibility to Vote
Persons with 2022 NTCA memberships that meet the criteria below are eligible to vote in elections for the NTCA Board:

  • Members included an institutional membership from a jurisdiction that directly receives cooperative agreement funds from the CDC
  • TB controller (or designate) member in an institutional membership from a jurisdiction that does not directly receive cooperative agreement funds from the CDC
  • Individual TB controller members from any jurisdiction in the United States or its territories

Section Leadership Elections

Non-controllers are represented on the Board through section leadership, and the nominations for the NSTC, NTNC, and SETC are handled in a separate, but simultaneous, process.

Open Positions
The following section positions are open for the 2022-2023 term of service in section leadership. President-elect positions have 3-year terms: one year as president-elect, one year as president, and one year as immediate past president concluding in June 2025. All other positions have 2‐year terms concluding in June 2024.

National TB Nurse Coalition (NTNC) Leadership

  • President-elect
  • Secretary
  • High burden representative

National Society of TB Clinicians (NSTC) Leadership

  • President-elect
  • Secretary

Society for Epidemiology in TB Control (SETC) Leadership

  • President-elect
  • Secretary
  • High burden representative
  • Low burden representative

Eligibility to Serve
Persons meeting the criteria below are eligible to serve as a section officer:

  • Not serving in a position as a TB Controller or designated TB Controller for a jurisdiction that directly receives cooperative agreement funds from the CDC
  • Hold an NTCA membership current for 2022

Eligibility to Vote
Persons meeting the criteria below are eligible to vote in elections for section offices:

  • Hold an NTCA membership current for 2022
  • Select the section’s membership in the NTCA member profile (one or more sections may be selected)

* List of TB Controllers by Burden Level

This is the updated current list of persons eligible to serve on the NTCA Board. This list reflects the way NTCA has historically identified/profiled states for the burden-level representation and names the controller/program managers who are eligible to serve on the NTCA Board. Anyone from this list can be nominated for the three Executive Committee positions; nominations for the burden-level representatives must come from within each of the three levels.

The methodology for determining the NTCA Board positions which are incidence- or burden-level representatives is a multi-step process and includes the following:

  1. A three-year average is calculated based on the number of reported cases
    Of note: The NTCA Executive Committee agreed to use the three-year average of 2018, 2019, and 2020.
  2. The states and the District of Columbia are ranked from highest number of cases to lowest, and
  3. The states are then split into an even number of 3 groups representing high/medium/low. This results in 17 jurisdictions falling into each of the three burden categories.

We recognize that THIS IS NOT HOW INCIDENCE OR BURDEN LEVELS ARE IDENTIFIED FOR OTHER PURPOSES so some states which consider themselves medium of low burden may appear in the next higher category. Please review the list and consider those among you who would be great leaders and represent well our TB programs.

Nomination and Election Process

Separate committees for NTCA and each section will review nominations, present a slate of candidates, and oversee the election process. The individual with responsibility for the nominations process and review are the immediate past presidents. For 2022-2023 these individuals are listed below:

  • NTCA Board Nomination Committee Chair: Pete Dupree
  • NTNC Nomination Committee Chair: Maureen Murphy-Weiss
  • NSTC Nomination Committee Chair: Jon Warkentin
  • SETC Nomination Committee Chair: Shona Smith

Please send all nominations to Donna Wegener, who will compile the nominations and share them with the members of the Nominations Committees. Please submit your nominations for the NTCA Board by close of business on Monday, February 15.

NTCA Membership

Join NTCA or renew your NTCA membership.

Complete you member profile to select sections to join. For an individual membership, this is done as you pay for your membership. For those joining through an institutional membership, your program should provide a list of persons included in the membership to NTCA’s membership coordinator Chanta Wilson (cwilson@tbcontrollers.org), and she will provide instructions how each person should complete her or his member profile.